A wooderful idea!

We strive to make our offer meet all of the requirements of our clients.

Forest Management Plans Department

Forest Management Plans Department

The department deals with the management of forests under the ownership of the State Treasury A team of experienced professionals implements their knowledge in the fields of silviculture, forest [...]

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Simplified Forest Management Plans Department

Simplified Forest Management Plans Department

The department prepares forest management documentation for various entities – administrative units, legal persons, and common land units The work of this group of experienced professionals is [...]

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Research and Development Department

Research and Development Department

The role of the department is seeking out and implementing innovations as well as modernising the methodology already utilised within the company The implementation of improvements pertaining to [...]

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Vegetation Inventory Department

Vegetation Inventory Department

The department offers vegetation inventory services – dendrological survey, inventories of flora and fauna, tree condition assessments – to public entities, companies, and individual clients [...]

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Forest Monitoring Department

Forest Monitoring Department

The team is responsible for supervising the preparation of Simplified Forest Management Plans for particular administrative districts (local government) as regulated by the Forest Act   Skilled [...]

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Ochocka 14, 02-495 Warsaw


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+48 22 824 58 96


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